Describing the Glossodontics® technique Glossodontics® is the author's technique of Dr. Vlad Pastok, aimed both at solving problems at the physical level and popularizing the model of holistic health, including the mental and emotional level.
The technique’s main goal is to help a person restore their health, return energy to life and, ultimately, feel their own integrity and fulfillment.
The path to this goal lies through restoration of the anatomical complex, which includes the tongue, perilingual tissues, muscles, jaws, skull bones, teeth.


Open mouth breathing

Problems with tonsils

Problems with tonsils

Hyperactivity of the child

Imposed and crooked teeth

Too much bite and overcurrent
The main goal of the technique is to restore a person's healthy energy level. To do this, it is necessary to remove obstacles that prevent the proper circulation of oxygen in the body. One of the main such obstacles is tongue tie. It is this congenital defect that leads to mouth breathing, which impairs oxygen access to systems and organs, provokes the development of various diseases and affects the level of vital energy.

Breath and Smile in Harmony with nature

The goal of Glossodontics® is to eliminate not only the problem of a shortened frenulum of the tongue, but also the changes caused by it in other systems and organs. Whereas in the traditional approach, the problem is solved locally, without taking into account the mutual influence and interconnection of all organs and systems, therefore the effectiveness of traditional treatment is much lower.
- Open mouth breathing;
- Diseases of the tonsils;
- Problems with posture (hunched over and head bent forward);
- Hyperactivity in a child;
- Crowded and crooked teeth;
- Violation of bite.
Treatment takes place in stages and includes the following:
- myofunctional therapy – a set of exercises for the muscles of the oral cavity, in particular, and the tongue;
- surgical or laser (less often) correction;
- craniosacral osteopathy;
- aligning the bite and restoring the correct shape and position of the jaws (orthognathic stage);
- alignment of the teeth positioning (orthodontic stage).
Glossodontics® begins with myofunctional therapy – a program of exercises for the tongue and the muscles of the oral cavity and face, which help to restore the correct position and function of the tongue and other structures of the maxillofacial complex.
The duration of complex recovery depends on the patient’s individual characteristics and the pace of his completion of all stages of treatment. In general, it lasts from 6 to 24 months.
Laser intervention does not affect the muscles and deep fascia, which have the main effect on the formation of a tongue tie. Therefore, in most cases, traditional surgical correction is recommended as part of Glossodontics®.
Laser correction is indicated mainly for babies.
At what age can the surgery be done?
Laser correction is used to treat children aged 3 days to 6 months. Surgery is performed on patients from 2 to 70 years of age.
How to choose a doctor for the shortened tongue frenulum treatment?
A highly professional doctor must perform a surgery to cut a shortened frenulum with high quality, as well as be able to explain the need for a complex approach to the patient – the importance of myofunctional therapy, surgical interventions, correction of the position of the upper and lower jaws, and also be able to provide all the necessary services for the comprehensive restoration of the maxillofacial system.
Will there be an effect simply from an operative correction of the tongue frenulum without a comprehensive approach?
There will be a certain result, but the treatment success will decrease significantly. There will be no full recovery of the TMJ complex system and the entire body.
The success of the Glossodontics® technique, as we have already mentioned, is based on a comprehensive approach that considers the human body as a whole structure and is the key to fully restoring its work and harmonizing a person’s life in general.