Most people know that snoring is a warning sign as it is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It also prevents the partner from sleeping and, naturally, causes tension in the relationship. This is enough to look for a solution, in particular, the root cause of snoring.

Tongue Tie and snoring – what is the connection?

Glossodontics® proves in practice that in the absolute majority of cases the root cause of snoring is a Tongue Tie (shortened tongue frenulum). It is this congenital defect that leads to the fact that during sleep the tongue, which has not found its proper place in the articulation system, blocks the airways. Due to this, the air moves with obstacles and causes the palate to vibrate, which causes snoring of varying intensity. This problem worsens with age, because over time the muscles that hold the palate high weaken. That is why young men with an anchor tongue snore less often than mature men.

However, unpleasant sounds are not the worst. The fact is that people who constantly snore suffer from a lack of oxygen, their body does not have time to recover during sleep, which means that it is exhausted. Moreover, such people (and these are mostly men) regularly experience apnea (temporary cessation of breathing) during sleep, which not only increases oxygen deficiency, but can even be life-threatening.

But that’s not all! The anchor tongue, due to its unnatural position, pulls the lower jaw back, which provokes defects in the jaw joint (then there are characteristic clicks when opening the mouth and pain), and this leads to overstrain of the chewing muscles, an increase in teeth grinding (bruxism) and, as as a result, to abrasion of the teeth and reduction of their vertical size. Which, in turn, causes improper closing of the jaws and even greater obstruction of the airways – then snoring intensifies, oxygen availability worsens, and the body becomes even more exhausted. Vicious circle. As a result, a man’s heart is constantly overloaded, like an engine in a car whose radiator has been slightly blocked, forcing him to overcome distances and obstacles. Such a condition is a direct path to an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of other cardiovascular diseases (in particular, a heart attack), etc.

Why is snoring bad for relationships?

Snoring is both a physiological and an emotional problem, because it directly affects the relationship with a loved one.

Dr. Vladimir Pastouk

As we have already said, the husband’s nocturnal trills disturb his wife’s sleep, which also exhausts her. This causes the partner to want to sleep in another room, which becomes an obstacle to maintaining closeness and intimate life.

And considering the fact that a man who cannot fully rest, wakes up tired and weakened, and therefore irritated, ineffective and not too passionate. This prevents him from maintaining a harmonious and close relationship with his beloved.

Due to constant fatigue and exhaustion, problems appear in intimate relationships: after a working day, a man wants only one thing – to just lie on the sofa, and then fall asleep as soon as possible. Romantic games and passionate sex seem like too much of a test for him – he doesn’t have enough energy for it.

But that’s not all. More serious problems are also possible: if a man has a breathing disorder, it means that he does not produce enough nitric oxide, which is responsible for the expansion of blood vessels, and therefore, for normal blood flow and filling of the penis with blood during arousal. As men age, there is a natural decrease in the content of nitric oxide, and snoring and breathing disorders deepen these negative processes.

It turns out that the Tongue Tie or anchored tongue can also “anchor” the penis and lead to erectile dysfunction.

Dr. Vladimir Pastouk

Thus, a small hidden flaw not only affects the work of a man’s entire body, but also often causes a crisis in the relationship of spouses, increases the number of conflicts and increases the risk of divorce.

What will help?

In order to prevent a family catastrophe and other troubles, it is necessary to contact specialists who are able to make the correct diagnosis and provide adequate assistance.
Glossodontics® offers a comprehensive approach.

In addition to surgical intervention to trim the frenulum of the tongue, a whole range of therapeutic and corrective methods are recommended. They make it possible to restore the natural functions of the tongue, perilingual structures, jaws, bones, teeth, as well as the work of the entire body, which over the years of exposure to the secret agent – the anchor tongue – has become accustomed to functioning differently than nature intended.

The Glossodontics® technique also includes systematic training that encourages the patient to live in a new way – it is extremely important for a man to change his lifestyle, correct his daily routine and diet, and eventually get used to the special feeling of freedom and joy that a freed tongue gives.

A man with a high level of energy and a sense of freedom knows how to inspire, fall in love and love passionately, and therefore will be able to restore and improve relationships with a loved one seriously and for a long time.

Therefore, do not delay, the result is well worth the effort.